Some of the most common injuries that occur with work and automobile accidents such as head trauma (which can cause severe headaches, dizziness, etc), neck and back injuries (which can indicate a pinched nerve and also cause arm and leg pain, numbness, and weakness) and many others require immediate evaluation by a Doctor of Neurology. Instant Care’s network of neurologists is highly qualified, trained in the latest medical skills and technology, can perform a variety of diagnostic tests. All neurologists are Board Certified and Workers Compensation Certified. Specialties include:
Remember, if you are hurt at work you can be treated for free and receive compensation for your lost wages, if unable to work. When you return to work, you can still receive treatment at no cost. All our referred neurologists are extremely efficient and competent at documentation of your injuries. All diagnostic tests that are will not only properly diagnose your condition, but will prove your injury thus providing accurate uncontested documentation. This way our patients are able to receive their needed compensation. Contact Instant Care today.